Sunday, March 22, 2009

Scenario 2- Benefits of Virtual Schooling

Although virtual schooling might not sound so great to many people, it actually has lots of benefits to teachers, students and parents.

It is beneficial to teachers because teachers do not have to put up with the distractions of other students who are uninterested in learning. It gives the teachers the opportunity to have access to the students 24/7 and them having access to her/him as well. Also, teachers will have more time to focus on more important things like lesson preparation and students help and feedback, as opposed to the loads of paperwork they have to deal with in an in-class setting. Also, teachers are able to grade assignments anywhere they choose, be it their porch, bedroom, etc. The grading process is also less tedious because it involves using the computer, something lots of people enjoy doing.

There are benefits to the students as well. Students do not have to feel like they are being on display all the time. They work at their own pace and can ask the teacher as many questions as they want without being singles out. Also, the students tend to have more confidence with chatting online as opposed to sitting in a classroom surrounded by dozens of people. Through virtual schooling, students are more likely to be out spoken and give their honest opinions and responses because they do not feel the peer pressure they would otherwise feel in the classroom. Furthermore, students are taught to be responsible for their work and encouraged to be more organized. They are not being distracted constantly by those students who often have a hard time paying attention in class.

As for the parents, their minds are more at ease. They are able to see what their child is doing at all times. They don’t have to worry about the peer pressure the students are facing in public schools on a daily basis. They are also able to look over their child’s work and know exactly what they are doing. Also, the parents feel more involved in the education of their child when they see him/her constantly completing online assignments and communicating with the teacher.

As you can see, everyone can benefit from virtual schooling if they take the time to look at it with an open mind.

These three website will give you a better understanding of the benefits of virtual schooling. This website discusses how teachers, parents and students all benefit from virtual schools. It gives the reader a better idea of how teachers, parents and students feel about virtual schooling. This website tells the benefits of virtual schooling and compares virtual schools to regular schools. this a journal article the discussed the benefits of virtual schools and breaks down how each group benefits from virtual schooling.


  1. I especially like your reasons about lessening peer pressure (even while admitting the positive effect socializing can have for students who live at a distance or who are shy) and the fact that parents can be more involved. I do wonder however if students or teachers want to be available 24/7. This potential conflict could open the way for students to think about their own "down-time" even outside their educational experience.

  2. I think that it is a good idea for a student to be involved with online learning. The ability to be able to pace your learning based on you individual learning style and needs is a wonderful feature of online learning. Too many students get lost in the sauce, when the teacher is going too fast with the lessons. The is especially true in Math. So many students start to fall behind, then GIVE UP! Online learning allows a student to repeat the lesson, work at their own pace, and focus on material that they need extra time on.

  3. I agree that virtual schooling can be beneficial to the teacher and the students in that much of it can be done anytime, anywhere. I think that one thing that probably needs to be established at the very beginning of a course is the expectation for communication. The teacher should make it clear from the very beginning, how available they will be to their students. It would be important for parents and students to understand that the teacher will not be available 24/7.
