Sunday, April 5, 2009

Additional Virtual Schooling Scenarios

Scenarios that could be developed in the future could be ones that discuss how teachers, students and parents from virtual schooling.

To display the benefits of the teachers, a scenario could be developed to show how the teacher is able to teach and convey a subject without all the disruptions that would usually arise in a regular class setting. It could begin with a teacher teaching in an in-class setting and display the constant problems and disruptions that the teacher has to deal with. It can then show that same teacher working as a virtual school teacher and show how she interacts with the students on an individual bases without all the daily distractions.

A scenario that displays the benefits for the students could begin with a student who is very shy in class and is often picked on. The students can be shown in an in-class setting sitting in the back and avoiding any kind of interaction in class. That same student could be shown taking an online course and blogging, carrying on in discussions and giving his/her opinion on topics without feeling the fear of being ridiculed or teased by the other students.

As for parents, a scenario could display a parent that is not aware of how his/her child is being treated at school or is not sure of how the teachers are helping her child. He/she can then sign her child up for a virtual class and help him/her with assignments and monitor his/her progress. The parent can also be reassured that his/her child is getting the proper education from the teacher and can have round-the-clock access to the teacher.


  1. It is really sad when you have a student who goes through one of those awkward years and has students picking on him/her. Online schooling could help this student for a while, but eventually they would have to learn how to handle themselves with a variety of different personalities. I see real value in letting a student "sit out a semester", but I would try and encourage this student to get back in the game. A motto that would be good for this situation of online learning is "Is is stress relieving or goal achieving? If online learning is only for stress, I think tha the student need counseling. If online learning is goal achieving, then it is being used at it's highest level.

  2. Your post and this last comment suggest another use of the online format. A page that defines harassment and the policy on harassment could be made available for students. This page could also include ways to report incidents and information on how to find and take advantage of support services.

  3. Lately I've been thinking quite a bit about the teacher in online schooling, and I think it would be an interesting thing to try out. I can only imagine how nice it would be to focus on teaching, without all of the many distractions that occur in the classroom. One of the things that would worry me though would be how well do you get to know your students in this type of situation. Another thing that would concern me would be trying to keep the students and their parents from thinking that they really do have 24/7 access to their teacher.

  4. Paula-
    I agree that students need to be able to handle themselves in these types of environments; however, there are many students who are taunted throughout their schooling that they cannot even focus on doing well in school. Those are usually the same students who end up committing violent acts towards their peers. I think putting them in an environment that they are more comfortable with is a good way to reduce violence in school settings.


    I too think it would be great to teach an online course. Could you emagine how nice it would be not to yell and get frustrated every day? Wow!! Just the thought of it is amazing :).
